Just back from vacation. It was nice to relax, and then I turn on the news and I get all worked up again. Seriously, though, every time I think that I cannot get any more diametrically opposed to conservativism, they push me further left.
The latest shove deals with the same usual suspects: Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin(the latest addition to my list of right wingnuts),and [insert another conservative whack job here]. They have officially hit a new height to their vitriolic hatred of anyone sane. Their target: Cindy Sheehan.
I tried to hold off, not write about this story even though it makes me so angry, but I really cannot abide them crucifying this woman, whose only goal is to talk to the president about her dead son. It was Bush who posited WMDs as a cause for war, it was Bush who sent WMD experts, including Casey Sheehan, over to Iraq, and it was his presence there that led directly to his death. It can only be expected that Cindy Sheehan would want some answers from the man that sent her son to die. To emphasize her point, Ms. Sheehan has set up camp outside Bush's ranch in Crawford, TX, and has said she will not leave until she gets some answers, or until he concludes his marathon length vacation of the stars.
The conservative media is attacking Sheehan from all sides. From nutjob central, Ann Coulter has released her latest steaming pile of column, stating, and I quote, "Call me old-fashioned, but a grief-stricken war mother shouldn't have her own full-time PR flack. After your third profile on "Entertainment Tonight," you're no longer a grieving mom; you're a C-list celebrity trolling for a book deal or a reality show."
How lovely that Ann can be so candid and "old-Fashioned"... I would just call it stupid, and pardon the phrase, cunty. This woman is down there, doing what she believes is right, and here she is being besieged by the media. Not only does Coulter call her, in not so many words, an opportunist, but she also goes a step further, labeling her a COMMUNIST, citing her vigil as a "Stalinist agitprop." I would love to take Ann Coulter's kid and drop them in a war zone to get riddled by bullets or road side bombs, to see how a conservative grieves, but no one wants to get in the family way with the frigid bitch.
As if Coulter's tactics weren't sickening enough, Bill O'Reilly's newest remora, sucking away at his pundit teet, Michelle Malkin chose a different tack, choosing to publish the divorce papers Sheehan's husband has recently had drawn up. I know that these are public record, but I don't think that it is relevant to Sheehan's struggle. Why sling more mud at a woman who already lost enough? Because it's the conservative machine's way of taking the knees out from beneath someone who cannot be brought down fairly.
And if the conservative base isn't trying to take her down a notch, there are plenty of redneck neighbors who are plenty content to plow through with a pickup. Larry Northern, a resident of nearby Waco, TX, drove through a field of crosses that Sheehan erected alongside the road in front of Bush's ranch. Now, I know what you may be thinking...an accident, right? Not with the two chains attached and dragging a pipe. A red-stater, if I've ever seen one...so "for" the war, he'll desecrate symbolic graves of its soldiers in order so it can continue...Glad to see that they're still around. I'm not even going to get into Justice Sunday II...you can read a much more vitriolic review by my new favorite political writer, the rude pundit!
P.S. caught Bill Maher's latest comedy special on HBO this weekend. If you have a chance, check it out. Very politically-minded, and thought-provoking, as well as funny.
Friday, August 19, 2005
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