Thursday, December 15, 2005

Shock and Awe

Anyone who knows me can attest to my hatred for the Bush administration, and the republican ideal.  In a time where the American people have been lied to about virtually everything, we have tax cuts for the super-rich, bible-thumping judge appointments, and a war that gets compared to Vietnam more with each passing day.  It's like a carnival sideshow.  You never know what's going to be behind the next curtain.

In a move that can only be taken from the playbook of the Military, Bush gave shock and awe new meaning on Wednesday as he shouldered the full responsibility for the decision to go to war with Iraq over oil(oops...he didn't say that part).  In a departure from the Republican ideals of lying and finger-pointing, Bush stepped up to the mic yesterday, and took the burden of that decision fully on himself.  My first reaction was shock...I mean, why would he take responsibility for this?  It could create a "slippery slope" and force him to take further steps in taking responsibility for the other failures of the Bush administration.  Of course, right after declaring his responsibility for declaring war in the face of opposition and flawed intelligence info, he went right back to talking points 1-50, defending just that decision. 

I then came around to awe...Bush has recently been experiencing a slump of sorts.  After his record high approval ratings following 9-11, little by little, Bush's job rating has dropped off, with little signs of changing direction.  The public perception is that he simply doesn't care what the citizens who elected him think.  This move, actually taking responsibility for one of his actions has potential...if some dumb shits in the world actually fall for it, his ratings can only increase, and judging by the ghastly number of morons out there who reelected him, he'll be back into the high 60s in no time. 

But don't worry, Jim Bob and Billy Joe...he'll make sure you get your tax break of 1 penny come April, so just keep thinking you did the right thing. 

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Politicking Me Off

It's been way too long since I've written here.  Sorry..I've been busy.

Well, Harriet Miers has torpedoed her own nomination...thank god.  This is the only thing I've ever agreed with Ann Coulter on, and that scares me...if even Ann "spawn of satan" coulter agrees on this, Miers must be truly evil. 

Is there any good news coming out of Washington these days?  All that's in the political news is the CIA leak investigation, which threatens to consume the careers and black souls of Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and possibly even the grand puba himself, "I'm a" Dick Cheney.  Then you have Tom Delay getting booked and printed in preparation for his trial over campaign embezzlement...that man scares me, and you want to know why?  This is why:

This is Tom Delay's mugshot.  Have you ever seen a man in more denial of exactly how much trouble he could be in...It sickens me to picture how quickly he could get raped in prison.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Of all the low down, dirty, rotten...

Say that you're a businessman and are looking to make a quick buck.  You want to join the ranks of the alcohol producers in America and you're looking for a new concept.  What to name it?  Hmm...

Jackass Boss:Give me a hot-button issue...any hot button that everyone in America knows about. 

Soul-less ad man:Hey boss, how about that hurricane that devastated the gulf coast and killed a whole slough of people...

Boss: What about want to donate a bunch of liquor to a bunch of poor minorities who lost their homes?

Soul-less Ad man:  No we can name a drink after the hurricane...

Boss: That's so wrong it just might we need a soul-sucking slogan that will help us sell our devil hooch.

Ad man:  hmm...let's'll clear the ghettos before the hangover is done?

Boss: about something a little more etherial.  We'll put a picture of the satellite image on the label and then something catchy.

Ad man: Let me brainstorm...ha ha storm...get wrecked like a category 4...


Ad man: Get Blown Away

Boss: hmm...nah

Ad man: The eye of the storm.

Boss:  C'mon that sucks...

Ad man: Floods your senses like broken Levees in New Orleans...

No...that's too funny.  We need something serious.  Like...Get Blown Away...

Ad man: I's great...

check it out here.  Thanks to the Smoking Gun for the link.  Fucking Jackasses and their reckless, greedy more reason to love our great capitalistic society.

Monday, September 19, 2005


Last night, like many people probably did, I sat down and suffered through the Emmy's.  I love Ellen Degeneres as a comic, but she was thoroughly unfunny as the hostess.  I know this was a more somber occasion with thoughts still on Katrina, but talk about least some good shows actually got awards that they deserved, though.  EXCEPT RAYMOND.  Thank GOD that show is off the air and this was the last year that they could win awards they didn't deserve.  That show was RARELY funny, and ALWAYS uncomfortable to watch...I know that we're a country of peeping toms, and we like other peoples' misery, but that show just made my skin many other funnier shows to get awards that just got overlooked. But anywho...

shit...I was going to change the subject, but I just remembered how much I hate Patricia Heaton...I only mildly disliked her on Raymond, but then she became the spokesperson for Shaws supermarkets, and suddenly, it was on...I HATE her!!!  After last night, I DESPISE her.  She didn't clap for Johnny Carson when EVERYONE ELSE did, she looked bored the whole night, except for when she was onstage, and she didn't clap for the Peter Jennings memoriam, and when Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw got a standing ovation, she looked as if she was pissed she had to get her big ass out of her seat...

Kicking the soapbox aside, glad to see Desperate Housewives and Lost get their due and the DAILY SHOW get their well-deserved Emmys.  For me, the only funny parts were John Stewart's butchered speech about politics, and the little snippets of Family Guy. Better luck next year.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Back from vacation and ready to grouse

Just back from vacation. It was nice to relax, and then I turn on the news and I get all worked up again. Seriously, though, every time I think that I cannot get any more diametrically opposed to conservativism, they push me further left.

The latest shove deals with the same usual suspects: Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin(the latest addition to my list of right wingnuts),and [insert another conservative whack job here]. They have officially hit a new height to their vitriolic hatred of anyone sane. Their target: Cindy Sheehan.

I tried to hold off, not write about this story even though it makes me so angry, but I really cannot abide them crucifying this woman, whose only goal is to talk to the president about her dead son. It was Bush who posited WMDs as a cause for war, it was Bush who sent WMD experts, including Casey Sheehan, over to Iraq, and it was his presence there that led directly to his death. It can only be expected that Cindy Sheehan would want some answers from the man that sent her son to die. To emphasize her point, Ms. Sheehan has set up camp outside Bush's ranch in Crawford, TX, and has said she will not leave until she gets some answers, or until he concludes his marathon length vacation of the stars.

The conservative media is attacking Sheehan from all sides. From nutjob central, Ann Coulter has released her latest steaming pile of column, stating, and I quote, "Call me old-fashioned, but a grief-stricken war mother shouldn't have her own full-time PR flack. After your third profile on "Entertainment Tonight," you're no longer a grieving mom; you're a C-list celebrity trolling for a book deal or a reality show."
How lovely that Ann can be so candid and "old-Fashioned"... I would just call it stupid, and pardon the phrase, cunty. This woman is down there, doing what she believes is right, and here she is being besieged by the media. Not only does Coulter call her, in not so many words, an opportunist, but she also goes a step further, labeling her a COMMUNIST, citing her vigil as a "Stalinist agitprop." I would love to take Ann Coulter's kid and drop them in a war zone to get riddled by bullets or road side bombs, to see how a conservative grieves, but no one wants to get in the family way with the frigid bitch.

As if Coulter's tactics weren't sickening enough, Bill O'Reilly's newest remora, sucking away at his pundit teet, Michelle Malkin chose a different tack, choosing to publish the divorce papers Sheehan's husband has recently had drawn up. I know that these are public record, but I don't think that it is relevant to Sheehan's struggle. Why sling more mud at a woman who already lost enough? Because it's the conservative machine's way of taking the knees out from beneath someone who cannot be brought down fairly.

And if the conservative base isn't trying to take her down a notch, there are plenty of redneck neighbors who are plenty content to plow through with a pickup. Larry Northern, a resident of nearby Waco, TX, drove through a field of crosses that Sheehan erected alongside the road in front of Bush's ranch. Now, I know what you may be accident, right? Not with the two chains attached and dragging a pipe. A red-stater, if I've ever seen "for" the war, he'll desecrate symbolic graves of its soldiers in order so it can continue...Glad to see that they're still around. I'm not even going to get into Justice Sunday can read a much more vitriolic review by my new favorite political writer, the rude pundit!

P.S. caught Bill Maher's latest comedy special on HBO this weekend. If you have a chance, check it out. Very politically-minded, and thought-provoking, as well as funny.