Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why my daughter and wife are so awesome

I rarely talk directly about my family for a couple reasons:

1.)  My wife, Amy, hates when i do.


2.) As the frequent comments I get in Japanese(which I delete because they always include spam links) prove, anyone can read this blog, and my private life is private...unless you're friends with me on Facebook.

Today, however, I'm going to break that rule a bit, with my wife's blessing.  My wife gets precious little time these days to simply sit at the computer and just bullshit around on the internet.  When she does, it tends to be catching up on the past several weeks of Facebook friends' updates and links, and visiting a few choice sites that she loves.  Among these sites are Postsecret, Cake Wrecks, and IHeartFaces.  All of these sites are really cool, and I highly suggest checking them out.

Anyhow, Amy decided while browsing IHeartFaces the other day, she decided to enter the weekly photo contest.  Last week's subject was "Faces & Flowers," and Amy thought that we had the perfect picture:

So she submitted it for the weekly contest, because...well, why not?  It's an adorable picture of our daughter, which we thought perfectly fit the category.  And guess what?  Among all of the entries by professional photographers, and retouched beautiful works, they picked Amy's shot as the winner for the week, which I thought was awesome.  And she was first place out of 646 entries!!  Amy told me to put it up on my blog because...because she doesn't have a blog.

In addition to giving Amy kudos, I also wanted to plug this website too, because they always have such amazing photographers, doing unbelievable things with the medium, so here's their button that you can click!

Ok...back to work, and we'll be back to my regular tactless snark as of my next entry...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Comic Sans: Why, Vincent Connare? Why?

It recently occurred to me that Comic Sans is possibility one of the worst inventions of the late 20th century.  I've never been a fan, and usually skip it when considering a font for anything I've needed processed in print.  In fact, many times, I've been tempted to remove the font from my computer altogether, but I always relent, seemingly thinking that at some point I might need this goofy font for some reason.  I'm finally ready to admit that I've been delusional on that front.

As the title of this blog suggests, this insult to adult humanity was created in 1994 by some douche named Vincent Connare.  Before you track down his address and throw stones through his windows, it has to be noted that Connare isn't a TOTAL hack; he is also responsible for the quite respectable Trebuchet font.  As awful as Comic Sans is, I can't entirely fault its creator.  People create and attempt to market crazy shit every day, but it's up to discerning companies not to put into circulation a font that is so clearly clownshoes1, so damn you Microsoft for putting something so clearly ridiculous into circulation!

So...why am I picking on this harmless font when there are jackasses like Rand Paul and Newt Gingrich out there making grand ridiculous accusations and poisoning the minds of impressionable people of our country?  I guess it's easier.  And I had a girlfriend in college who changed all of the fonts on her computer to this disgusting display of text, and she was a nutjob...that should have been my first clue!  Just look at it!

The blog almost writes itself, and it's the end of a REALLY long couple of weeks, so I decided to lob a softball rather than trying to throw some real heat.  Honestly, though, there are groups out there who are dedicated to the pursuit of banning this pariah of the font world.

You can read more here!

1 See, Sara!  You CAN use it in a sentence...Clownshoes: a definition