I'm sorry. I've been absent for way too long, but that whole life and work thing obstructed my path back to the blogging kingdom. I have been noticing that people stop by to check out and see if there is anything new, and that has both heartened and shamed me at the same time.
There has been a copious amount to blog about, but my job got about 10 times harder with the retirement of one of my bosses. The result has been no time for leisure activities such as this blog. I'm going to try to work the time in, though.
First of all, I spent the first few days following Election Day in a joy coma. First, the dems took over both houses, and then Rumsfeld resigned. My mother always told me it would make me go blind, so I always wore goggles, but this joy far exceeds anything that some stolen porn could ever provide.
Now, they can blame the diebold machines if they wish, but the spanking the Repugs received was simply too resounding to even think about writing it off as a fluke. America went to the polls and sent a message that the status quo was no longer acceptable. Pieces of garbage like Rick Santorum were told to get the hell out of dodge. My only upset was the reelection of Joe Lieberman in my home state of CT. Running as an independent, he still managed to defeat the democratic nominee, Ned Lamont. Oh well, as long as he doesn't spend the next two years with his head up the ass of the Republican caucus, I'll be able to deal.
Defying any explanation, Iraq has slipped further down the slope of violence, with this month yielding the most civilian casualties since we invaded in 2002, and the month isn't even over yet.
The tasering of the UCLA student who peaceably refused to leave the library is another current thorn in my side. First of all, since everyone now has a video camera of some kind, the altercation ended up on the internet on Youtube in a matter of hours. The officer responsible for the flagrant misuse of authority is no stranger to excessive force. He is also responsible for the shooting of a student on campus a year or two ago. If you haven't heard about this story, please check out an in-depth analysis of the situation at http://www.rudepundit.blogspot.com . Just page down to his entries from last week
Michael Richards used the N-bomb in a comedy club filled with black people. I saw the video and was shocked. Now, he has apologized almost immediately and sought the council of Jesse Jackson. This move shows me that he really wants to make it right. The few statements he's made have sounded sincere, but then again, I'm not an African American, so I don't think it's for me to judge whether he should be forgiven.
Tom and Katie got married, no one but Mary Hart and Billy Bush actually give a damn. Seriously, should we really care about this? That's rhetorical…if you answer, I'll bludgeon you with Suri Cruise!
![]() | Currently listening: Shine On By Jet Release date: 03 October, 2006 |