Now this headline just got me angry, because once the media got involved in this story, about rumors of Bullock's husband, Jesse James potential infidelities, it was no longer a private drama. Instead it's splashed on the pages of every rag and tabloid from here to Taiwan(to be fair, the Taiwanese are more fans of Renee Zellweger...not sure why...). I know that celebrities are out there for the world to see, and that they make their money by being seen and recognized, and admired for their talent and their glamour, but at some point, we just have to say enough is enough.
I am immeasurably tired of the Tiger Woods story. Yeah, I get it, he was unfaithful...A LOT, but how does that affect my life? Unless you know anyone directly involved(i.e. Woods, his wife, and the 15
Ultimately, he's a celebrity, and I expect celebrities to do stupid, selfish, destructive things to themselves and the people around them. I've seen way too many entitled celebs get themselves into so many different, ridiculous situations, that when I hear that Tiger had 15+ mistresses, I can hardly raise an eyebrow in surprise.
In closing, Hey Media...leave these poor people struggling with life to their own private lives. It is hard enough to navigate the world without a dozen cameras in your face when you go to Nobu for dinner! Let's try to get back some of that common decency that we've lost, and leave these people to pick up the pieces of their lives!