Let me start with a link for you to read. Click here! Please read this before reading my entry below.....
Now that you've read it, I have to go ahead and scream, WHAT THE FUCK!!?? I don't want to crusade against organized religion here but this article literally scares the hell out of me. In my honest opinion, religious conservativism has this country by the balls. With a downhome religious zealot in the Oval Office, they have the world at their fingertips. The puppet they've always dreamed about is displaying their agenda to the world, much to the chagrin of those who remember the US as a melting pot, a refuge for those who were persecuted for religious means. Last I checked, this country has no state religion. Why is it then that our federal government is being brought to a halt by all the issues that Religion wants us to focus on. I'm not going to just pick on Christianity, so I'm going to just refer to it as Religion with a capital "r."
See this all goes back to gay marriage. It's all about what kind of sex you have, and who you do it with. As a proponent of marriage for all, I honestly don't see what the issue is. I understand that the Bible mentions it briefly in the Old Testament. It also mentions that women should not venture out in public without a covering on their head. Check out Miami Beach and then let me know the percentage of women who are covered up there...That, and there's slavery in the Bible...is that correct, and something we should still observe just because the Bible mentions it?
From the article: Perkins and others are building a case file of anecdotes where they say religious people have spoken out against gay marriage only to be punished. Perkins specifically cited the decision by Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich in June to fire his appointee to the Washington area transit board after the board member referred to homosexuals as "persons of sexual deviancy."
Ok, so religion is under attack because there is a large contingent of people who disagree with them? That just means that there is a debate. I'm sorry that you feel repressed, but how are all those people you executed in the name of religion just because they disagreed with you. Was religion under attack or just YOUR comfort level. Homosexuals, much like African Americans in the last century, are people of just as much worth, intelligence, and morals as any other living person.
While it's never been proven conclusively, I tend to believe that homosexuality is not a lifestyle choice, but rather a genetic marker, much like hair and eye color. Is there something wrong with the parent? No! Would you blame a parent because a child was born with green eyes?
I find it hard to believe that Religion, supposedly the moral and ethical guidelines we are supposed to follow, would choose to say that one whole subsect of the population is less of a person, and therefore not subject to the same rights, and I REFUSE to believe that the loving God I've been told about since childhood would do so. This god I've been told loves all his children...the one who sent his son to earth to die for our sins. I've also been taught that there is no sin that is greater than another, none lesser. That also means that the sin of homosexuality, if it is indeed something worthy of sin, has been forgiven in those who believe. I fail to see how loving another person and commiting yourself to them is different just because your sexual apparatus isn't. Love is love in my book.
Politicizing religion further will not lead us to the promised line. It will only lead to more division among the people of this country. Getting along and loving thy neighbor are parts of God's decree that I can get onboard with...why can't they?
I welcome any and all debate, comments and anger...please...this is a free country and I like to have intelligent debate about important issues.
Now that you've read it, I have to go ahead and scream, WHAT THE FUCK!!?? I don't want to crusade against organized religion here but this article literally scares the hell out of me. In my honest opinion, religious conservativism has this country by the balls. With a downhome religious zealot in the Oval Office, they have the world at their fingertips. The puppet they've always dreamed about is displaying their agenda to the world, much to the chagrin of those who remember the US as a melting pot, a refuge for those who were persecuted for religious means. Last I checked, this country has no state religion. Why is it then that our federal government is being brought to a halt by all the issues that Religion wants us to focus on. I'm not going to just pick on Christianity, so I'm going to just refer to it as Religion with a capital "r."
See this all goes back to gay marriage. It's all about what kind of sex you have, and who you do it with. As a proponent of marriage for all, I honestly don't see what the issue is. I understand that the Bible mentions it briefly in the Old Testament. It also mentions that women should not venture out in public without a covering on their head. Check out Miami Beach and then let me know the percentage of women who are covered up there...That, and there's slavery in the Bible...is that correct, and something we should still observe just because the Bible mentions it?
From the article: Perkins and others are building a case file of anecdotes where they say religious people have spoken out against gay marriage only to be punished. Perkins specifically cited the decision by Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich in June to fire his appointee to the Washington area transit board after the board member referred to homosexuals as "persons of sexual deviancy."
Ok, so religion is under attack because there is a large contingent of people who disagree with them? That just means that there is a debate. I'm sorry that you feel repressed, but how are all those people you executed in the name of religion just because they disagreed with you. Was religion under attack or just YOUR comfort level. Homosexuals, much like African Americans in the last century, are people of just as much worth, intelligence, and morals as any other living person.
While it's never been proven conclusively, I tend to believe that homosexuality is not a lifestyle choice, but rather a genetic marker, much like hair and eye color. Is there something wrong with the parent? No! Would you blame a parent because a child was born with green eyes?
I find it hard to believe that Religion, supposedly the moral and ethical guidelines we are supposed to follow, would choose to say that one whole subsect of the population is less of a person, and therefore not subject to the same rights, and I REFUSE to believe that the loving God I've been told about since childhood would do so. This god I've been told loves all his children...the one who sent his son to earth to die for our sins. I've also been taught that there is no sin that is greater than another, none lesser. That also means that the sin of homosexuality, if it is indeed something worthy of sin, has been forgiven in those who believe. I fail to see how loving another person and commiting yourself to them is different just because your sexual apparatus isn't. Love is love in my book.
Politicizing religion further will not lead us to the promised line. It will only lead to more division among the people of this country. Getting along and loving thy neighbor are parts of God's decree that I can get onboard with...why can't they?
I welcome any and all debate, comments and anger...please...this is a free country and I like to have intelligent debate about important issues.
![]() | Currently listening: Drops of Jupiter By Train Release date: 27 March, 2001 |
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