Monday, April 26, 2010

New Title...same blunt delivery!

Dear inconsistent reader,

You may (or probably not) have noticed that I have changed the title of this blog.  While I’m proud of what I accomplished with the Monkeyhouse, it has come to my attention that I have a rare quality of being able to bypass the “I shouldn’t say that…” filter within my brain.  I have been told that it is one of best and worst traits that I have, but I’ve chosen to embrace it, while understanding that my mouth has a habit of writing checks that my ass can’t cash.  It is a careful balance in the pursuit to avoid ass-kickings.

I suppose that it is also a new service that I can offer.  Could I make a business out of this?  Hmm...[insert dream sequence here]

Have some news you’d rather not give yourself?  Need to tell a coworker that they smell?  Need someone so state the unspoken obvious?  Then go to Friend Without Tact.  He’ll walk into a situation and say what everyone else is keeping to themselves!  Why?  Because he can’t help himself!

[shaking myself out of it]

Seriously, though, I think it speaks in a lot of ways to who I am, and what I’m constantly struggling with, hence the name change.  Thanks to Amy, Kyle and Sara for pointing it out and making the less-blunt suggestion!  :)

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