Monday, July 31, 2006

Our Vietnam

My wife Amy is currently enrolled in an American History course, which she needs for her masters, and every time she opens the book, she finds new little factoids that we were previously unaware of.  Last night she was just reading about the Kennedy/Johnson Vietnam era.  She was telling me last night that the whole Vietnam issue began at the end of WWII, when the country was split into North and South as provisions at the end of fighting.  Sometime later during the Eisenhower administration, when Ike got it in his head that if Vietnam, a country with extremely limited political or military power, fell to Communism, that the entire world would soon fall as well.  To solve this issue, he began throwing huge amounts of money at the country to attempt to stem the rise of Communism.  When Kennedy took office, he did the same thing, and then Johnson -- and let me know if this sounds familiar -- fabricated a missile strike on a US boat by Vietnamese forces, in order to convince Congress that there was a pressing need for military presence in Vietnam...once we got our troops there, and the Great Society that Johnson had envisioned died there in the fields of Pyong Yang, you know what happened and how many casualties we suffered...

Are we always doomed to repeat our mistakes?  Is that our way?  Please get us out of Iraq before our loss becomes catastrophic.

Currently listening:
Friction, Baby
By Better Than Ezra
Release date: 13 August, 1996

Friday, July 28, 2006

Ann Coulter, you tricky biyatch

Like a venereal disease, I can't get rid of Ann Coulter...I can't seem to go one day without being further disgusted by her very existence. 

The latest:  She "reported" the other night that former president Clinton exhibits signs of latent homosexuality...huh?  Like having curvy interns hoover him in the Oval office?  that's very gay...especially the fact that she was a female.

Oh, and then she added as almost a postscript that Al Gore is "a fag."  Real nice Ann.  Of course, in Ann Coulter's world, the sky is painted with murals of dead Muslims and Jews, and God loves hatemongers, so I guess it makes sense in her head. 
In the real world, however, we have a word for Ann:  BIGOT
Currently listening:
By Default
Release date: 25 November, 2003

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Much like Middle Eastern cuisine...

Middle Eastern conflicts don't agree with me.  Iraq is in civil war, Iran is in a standoff of nuclear proportions with the entire world, and Israel is attempting to level Lebanon one bomb at a time...and at the same time, the voices that have the largest propensity to be heard at top volume are spouting their typical vitriolic banter that keeps them extreme and gets ratings and does nothing productive to add to the result.
For instance, Ann Coulter, AKA my favorite person, said that if she were president(heaven itself would revolt at that, I believe), she would immediately and preemptively carpet bomb the entirety of Iran.  THAT is her solution for the nuclear standoff...bomb them off the planet.  Are we going to try the same tactic with North Korea, who we know already HAS nukes?  good job, Ann.
Bill O'Reilly, AKA, my best friend in the world, has been claiming that the editors of the New York Times are "sitting out"  the conflict between Israel and the terrorist organization Hezbollah in order to avoid offending their Jewish base of readers.  Clever, Bill, but you should spread your digs at the Jewish religion out a bit more because wasn't it just last week that you said that liberal Jews believe that terrorists have the right to do whatever they way "including beheading hostages on camera."
Keith Olbermann, however, gets blasted by Fox News because he named O'Reilly to his "Worst Person" list for the umpteenth time.  Fox News claims that the MSNBC host is just doing so because he is trailing in the ratings to O'reilly's show.  Whether he is trailing or not, Olbermann is allowed to say on his show, which is based on politics, whatever he wants about his opinion on Bill O'reilly.  It's not a stunt if it is indeed a fact that O'Reilly is an incredible asshat.
More on Coulter...several newspapers that have been carrying her column have dropped her, the latest being the Augusta Chronicle.  unfortunately for anyone who is celebrating in Augusta, they are replacing her with the only slightly less horrible and conservatively evil, Michelle Malkin.
that's all for computer's on the fritz

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

While I'm at it...

Hugh Grant...STUPID for cheating on Liz Hurley with a hooker

Eddie Murphy, even STUPIDER for cheating on his wife with a tranny hooker

Prince Charles, c'mon CAMILLA!!!??  You had Princess Di!

Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovett?  uh...anyone?  Can anyone explain ANYTHING about this...?

Brad Pitt, you had Jennifer Aniston...what were you thinking?  Say what?  Oh, he's with Angelina Jolie?...forgiven.

and the pinnacle of the list for the moment goes to Kevin Federline...I don't know what planet this ass clown is from, but it is still a mystery how he ended up with Britney Spears.  Don't misunderstand, in the last 3 years, she's gone from pop star hottie to trailer park hooker chic, but she's still too good for him.
I think that's all the celebrity bashing I can stand for one day...but who knows...?

Currently listening:
Taking The Long Way
By Dixie Chicks
Release date: 23 May, 2006

Brinkley's husband says he's sorry and he was stupid

Can we say understatement of the century!!!??  She's Christy fricking Brinkley.  I don't care if she holds you chained in the basement and performs satanist rituals, you don't cheat on Christy Brinkley.

To make a point, though, you don't cheat on my wife either.  Let's just say that it would be a bad idea.  She's small, but she knows where I sleep, so I'm not gonna go there...

Currently listening:
Menos el Oso
By Minus the Bear
Release date: 23 August, 2005

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Our government is a melange of Shakespearean tragedy

Is the title of this blog a bit overdramatic?  Possibly, but that doesn't make it any less valid.  Our political system is a joke of titanic proportions.  We have a president who is so out of touch with the wants and needs of the people that put him in power, so focused on his religion-based issues, that he is further alienating himself from the people who once supported him.  The line between Church and state has become a dance between Romeo and Juliet; on the surface, it looks like the two families could finally come together and be one unified power, but as we all know it's not exactly a match made in heaven, and both will end up suffering in the end. 
What prompted this blatant use of metaphor?  Cowboy Bush is gearing up to step into some big-boy pants and veto some congressional legislation.  What is his target?  The stem cell research bill that just passed in the senate.  Why?  Not because it is governmentally or scientifically bad for our country, but because his Bible says it's murder.  Guess what else is murder, Georgey?  Oh, I don't about sending our troops into battle in a sovereign nation that we invaded under false pretenses...?  In this great big Shakespearean cluster fuck that is the play of our lives, Bush is the great reason-blind monarch, Lear, and unfortunately, just like Lear, no one will be able to stop his mistakes until it's too late, to the ruin of King and kingdom...

Currently listening:
Stories of a Stranger
By O.A.R.
Release date: 04 October, 2005

a (hopefully) well thought out response to a well thought out question

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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Ann Coulter...demonizing liberalism

If you turn on any cable news channel these days, chances are, you will eventually see Ann Coulter's face somewhere in the show.  A conservative pundit, Coulter has managed to get herself into the spotlight of pretty much every political arena.  It's not by chance or luck that she's there either; she's an extremely intelligent woman.  Reading her column just for vocabulary-sake will tell you that.  Unfortunately, that intelligence is colored by some of the most conservative views that this world has these days. 

I used to wonder just how Coulter got anyone to listen to her...she spews frothy, poisonous rhetoric, taking out anyone in her path that has an opinion, but she makes her matter how insane you and I may think her opinion is on a given manner, she makes her point, and makes it with gusto.  In an attempt to better understand the beast, I looked up her bio on Wikipedia.  Coulter was raised here in CT, and has a law degree, two things that had somehow escaped my consciousness.  So it's not that she doesn't understand the way our government's just that her vitriolic hatred for everything liberal informs EVERYTHING that comes out of her mouth.  Her (some might say fanatical) Christian ideals and beliefs help to further structure her views on all topics conservative.  She was once heard to say that Jesus died for her sins and nothing else matters.  That is a valid belief and you're not going to find me railing against Christianity because I know that I would get in trouble from a few friends who actually read my drivel.  I have my own issues with fanatical religion of any type, but I'm not going to air them least not in this entry.

On the surface, Ann Coulter has an impressive academic background.  Once within the sphere of her flapping gums, however, that facade just falls apart...I saw her the other night on Donny Deutch's show, and the thing that struck me the most was the sneer she got on her face everytime she said the word liberal.  She truly has nothing nice to say about her political polar opposition.  I disagree with 98.234% of everything that comes out of her mouth, and that's what drove me to want to know more about her in the first place.  I guess I wanted to know what creates a conservative in this it a nature/nurture thing?  I mean, we know that religion and religious upbringing helps to set the "battle" lines, but I know plenty of liberals that are religious to the core.  What made her this conservative?  I probably will never know, but I will stand in disagreement with everything she stands for until I know...and then will probably continue as such even if it IS ever explained.

Ann throws around the word treason like it's a frisbee, and that pisses me off.  She demonizes 9/11 widows that happen to support democrats, as if that makes them if democrats want to feed 9/11 widows to starving, cloned, gay, prochoice wolverines.  She thinks Clinton's sexual indiscretions are treasonous, but thinks Bush is a hero to the Iraqi people.  This is my own opinion, but I think Ann is batshit crazy.  If you are interested in reading some of her latest plagiarized work, pick up her new book Godless.  Unlike Coulter, I can cite my proof of her plagiarism:  Check out The Rude Pundit, bearing in mind that his blog is at least R-rated, and not suited for the faint of heart.  He makes his point, but is crass and, as the title states, Rude.

Ok...enough for now.  I have to go look up how to get Ann Coulter's snobby voice out of my nightmares.

Currently listening:
Commit This to Memory
By Motion City Soundtrack
Release date: 07 June, 2005

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A man is dead and I am sad. Normally, this would be the end of my statement; no one deserves to die before their time, so an untimely end is an unhappy occasion. But today, that man is Kenneth Lay - a man who in October would have been sentenced to a good long time in prison for his part in the Enron scandal, which lost many good hard-working Americans their life savings. Lay, a close personal friend of Dubya, died early today of an apparent heart attack.
I feel for his family and their loss, but more than that I feel for the people who were bilked - a word that I don't use lightly, because that's what Enron did - out of their money. I feel bad that those people will never see Lay behind bars, suffering in a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.
A co-worker pointed out that he's probably burning in hell right now, but I wanted him to pay a bit for his crime before retiring to the firey pit where he belongs.
I know I'm going a bit over the edge, but were it not for the unfortunate heart attack, the sixty-something Lay had some time left to rot in prison before succumbing to old age. Kenny, do me a favor, and keep a red hot poker ready for Karl Rove...I'm sure you guys will have fun down there when he joins you.

Currently listening: Eyes Open By Snow Patrol Release date: By 09 May, 2006