Friday, July 28, 2006

Ann Coulter, you tricky biyatch

Like a venereal disease, I can't get rid of Ann Coulter...I can't seem to go one day without being further disgusted by her very existence. 

The latest:  She "reported" the other night that former president Clinton exhibits signs of latent homosexuality...huh?  Like having curvy interns hoover him in the Oval office?  that's very gay...especially the fact that she was a female.

Oh, and then she added as almost a postscript that Al Gore is "a fag."  Real nice Ann.  Of course, in Ann Coulter's world, the sky is painted with murals of dead Muslims and Jews, and God loves hatemongers, so I guess it makes sense in her head. 
In the real world, however, we have a word for Ann:  BIGOT
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Release date: 25 November, 2003

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