Thursday, July 27, 2006

Much like Middle Eastern cuisine...

Middle Eastern conflicts don't agree with me.  Iraq is in civil war, Iran is in a standoff of nuclear proportions with the entire world, and Israel is attempting to level Lebanon one bomb at a time...and at the same time, the voices that have the largest propensity to be heard at top volume are spouting their typical vitriolic banter that keeps them extreme and gets ratings and does nothing productive to add to the result.
For instance, Ann Coulter, AKA my favorite person, said that if she were president(heaven itself would revolt at that, I believe), she would immediately and preemptively carpet bomb the entirety of Iran.  THAT is her solution for the nuclear standoff...bomb them off the planet.  Are we going to try the same tactic with North Korea, who we know already HAS nukes?  good job, Ann.
Bill O'Reilly, AKA, my best friend in the world, has been claiming that the editors of the New York Times are "sitting out"  the conflict between Israel and the terrorist organization Hezbollah in order to avoid offending their Jewish base of readers.  Clever, Bill, but you should spread your digs at the Jewish religion out a bit more because wasn't it just last week that you said that liberal Jews believe that terrorists have the right to do whatever they way "including beheading hostages on camera."
Keith Olbermann, however, gets blasted by Fox News because he named O'Reilly to his "Worst Person" list for the umpteenth time.  Fox News claims that the MSNBC host is just doing so because he is trailing in the ratings to O'reilly's show.  Whether he is trailing or not, Olbermann is allowed to say on his show, which is based on politics, whatever he wants about his opinion on Bill O'reilly.  It's not a stunt if it is indeed a fact that O'Reilly is an incredible asshat.
More on Coulter...several newspapers that have been carrying her column have dropped her, the latest being the Augusta Chronicle.  unfortunately for anyone who is celebrating in Augusta, they are replacing her with the only slightly less horrible and conservatively evil, Michelle Malkin.
that's all for computer's on the fritz

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