Thursday, August 31, 2006

Bush invokes the almighty...yes, again...

In a speech earlier today, our fearless(except for his fear of a wrathful God) leader, invoked the almighty as being on our side.  Being that I'm a Christian, you'd think that would at least be partially ok with me.  I'd love to think that God is with us in our daily struggles as a country, but I don't think that is the case.  I think that God is probably sick of us doing things in his name by this point.  Is it wrong that I don't blame him...our melting pot society has been dismantled and molten down, so we can make bullets to kill more people who don't agree with us and our God. I'm sorry, George, but (1), I didn't vote for you in the first place, and (2), I CERTAINLY didn't ask you to invoke your god on my behalf.  No wonder Muslims want to kill us.

Rude Pundit  made a good point this morning about Bush's reference to those who oppose us in the Middle East as "Islamic Fascists."  See they are trying to draw a parallel to WWII when fascism threatened to engulf Europe.  They want to gain support by reminding us of the menace of Benito Mussolini, and his ensuing attempt at converting Europe and northern Africa.  We're the ones going over there and forcing our Democratic ideals on Iraq. 

These days, I can scarcely get through a blog without at least a passing mention to Ann Coulter, the acerbic, vitriolic loon who seems to always get some host to invite her on and then proceeds to ram it up the host's ass while she's there, all the while getting lobbed softball questions that don't address any real issues or the hateful things she says.  Her latest column states that we shot the wrong Lincoln.  She's referring to Lincoln Chaffee, the RI congressman, to whom the Bush administration is throwing support, much in the same fashion as they are throwing it to Joe Lieberman, while completely ignoring a non-viable Republican candidate, who, in both cases, has no chance in hell of winning.  Great, so now she's advocating killing off Congressmen just to get the seats vacated for nutjobs who will spew her insane rhetoric.  Let me just say that Henry VIII beheaded the wrong Ann. 

And while I'm at it, Ann, stop referring to all Iraqi -- hell all middle eastern people who have died in this military disaster we call our war on terrorism - as terrorists.  That's like saying all thin blondes with huge noses are tremendous(please pardon me for this, ladies) cunty bitches who are full of shit.  You need some sensitivity and discrimination training Ann.

Currently listening:
By Dishwalla
Release date: 15 March, 2005

Monday, August 28, 2006

Lieberman trying to squeeze back into the fold.

Upon learning that most of his constituents would rather vote for the other guy, Joe Schmoe remembered that he is a registered democrat and that if he alienates them too much, they won't vote for them.  Now he has a decision to make...does he just stay the course with the methods he's been employing and try to get the votes of the moderates and republicans, or does he change tactics and go after the Lamont constituents, his "own" party?  With the support that the current administration has been lending him, Joe has been getting some bad press, and, as a result, has been trying to distance himself from Bush and his crew.  First, he called for the resignation of Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, and now he's back pedaling on his previous stance on the war.  What's next, he reinforces his support for Judaism by killing the Pope?  This whole thing sucks!

Bear in mind, I hate attacking him because he is still technically a democrat, but the man is a world class flip flopper, who should listen to those who are smarter than him(not me...other democrats), who tell him to throw his support behind Lamont and give up this charade of lies.

Currently listening:
The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion
By The Black Crowes
Release date: 05 March, 2002

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Technical Difficulties

Monkeyhouse has been largely off the air this week due to a busy work schedule.  I have been buried in work, so there was little time to express my frustrations that have renewed themselves yet again this week. 
FIRST Bush says that sometimes he's happy with what happened with Iraq, and no one calls him on it.  Say what?  Oh yeah, CNN and MSNBC have reported the story that he spoke about the war, but both have edited out that he said that sometimes he's happy.  And Fox News just took a dump on the news desk and scrawled LIBERALISM SUCKS on the backdrop.

SECOND Joe Lieberman comes out swinging, calling for Rumsfeld's resignation.  He says he's a dedicated democrat.  Then stand behind your state's choice for democratic nominee, you fucking asshat!

THIRD The Yankees smashed the Red Sox in a five game series at Fenway Park, eclipsing their previous record, set in 1978, and called the Boston Massacre. 

FORTH Go forth young man and learn to spell the word that comes next after Third

FOURTH Kevin Federline closes the Teen Choice Awards by pretending to be a rapper...a rapper who's never seen or heard a real rap song.  We don't need another white rapper.  Eminem fills the quota.

FIFTH  Zayeera was kicked off Rockstar: Supernova last week.  No more camel toe for you, perverts.

tata for now from MonkeyHouse Headquarters...

Currently listening:
Snakes on a Plane: The Album
By Original Soundtrack
Release date: 15 August, 2006

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Raise Your Hand If You're Sure...

that Ann Coulter is missing the point entirely YET AGAIN!

"Terrorists Win Deodorant Banned From Airplanes"

Keeping us safe as we fly the friendly skies is a daunting task since 9/11.  We have to prepare for every eventuality, but of course, we don't know most of these eventualities.  This latest Coulter column shows just how little she understands about how this world works.  She is right that those who would seek to harm us would know better than to use the same tactics as last time, but unless we have thousands of Dead Zone Johnny Smiths working the security at our airports, there is really no way to know what the plans of future terrorists are.  Let me assure you that no one is interested in your lingerie, and let me just tell you I want to do nothing more than get that image out of my head right now...thanks for that. 

I guess what I'm saying is that they're doing the best they can with the intel that they have.  It doesn't help that CNN is doing stories about theoretical ways for bombs to be snuck on board, though

Currently listening:
Every Man for Himself
By Hoobastank
Release date: 16 May, 2006

Is the Dubya propaganda machine unstoppable?

It became apparent to me several years ago that the days of propaganda are back in US politics, and they're back to stay. My last post regarding the Lamont/Lieberman campaign shows that.

For a couple years now, we have been hearing the same talking points from Bush and his camp: Mission accomplished(my ass!!), Marriage is between a man and a woman, and my personal favorite, STAY THE COURSE. Bush manages to throw into even the most innocuous interview or speech that in order to be victorious in Iraq and the war on terror, we have to stay the course. Personally, if I was Bush Sr., I'd be pissed that my son was stealing my sayings. C'mon, people, don't you remember the "stay the course, 1000 points of light" that Dana Carvey got so much mileage out of back when SNL was still a good show?
How is that propaganda, you may ask? Well, by itself, it's completely harmless (unless, of course, youve been deployed to Iraq). It doesnt become propaganda until you add the opposite message: that those who oppose the war and staying the course are all about CUT AND RUN. This is the solution? When you face stiff competition and rabid disapproval, you just call anyone who opposes you a coward? This is how the uneducated masses end up electing a president even they dont support.

Before I get blow back, let me assure you that I dont believe that all Republicans are uneducated. What Im saying is that if only given two choices, most people would like to believe that they are brave rather than cowards. This is how Bush got himself reelectedHe preyed on the fears of those less informed than he by telling them that Kerry would make the US look like weaklings if he were elected. Unfortunately, the election became all about the military records of the candidates, and not about the issues facing us today with the wars that are CURRENTLY being fought.

Wednesday, while speaking at a fundraiser for former Pittsburgh Steeler Lynn Swann, Bush said, "Leaving before we complete our mission would create a terrorist state in the heart of the Middle East, a country with huge oil reserves that the terrorist network would be willing to use to extract economic pain from those of us who believe in freedom." He continued to say, "There are some good people in our country who believe we should cut and run. They're not bad people when they say that. They're decent people. I just happen to believe they're wrong. If we leave before the mission is complete, if we withdraw, the enemy will follow us home." You can view the entire article here: Correct me if Im wrong, but didnt the British just foil a plot that would have brought the terrorists with more plane bombs back in our direction? The Bush administration has been able to make Iraq and terrorism inseparable in the minds of the fearful in this country. Let me separate them for you folks.
For the last time, Iraq was not involved in 9/11, and while, yes, there are Al Qaeda in Iraq, the majority of the insurgency is based on US presence in their country. When England fought all those years ago to try to preserve a certain colony under their control, the people living there rose up and caused a revolution, fighting to the death to preserve their independence. Were those colonists insurgents? No, but only because the English didnt wield enough power to topple the government before trying to subjugate the people with a government they didnt support. I do think that the Iraqi government could use some democratic ideals, but to foist it on them with no choice in the matter is absurd.

I think that a key part of this political dialogue is missing or being ignored, and that part is the middle ground between stay the course and cut and run. Those who oppose the war do not all necessarily think we should immediately withdraw all troops from the Middle East. Instead, there are those of us who simply want to see a timetable created for the withdrawal of troops and the return to normalcy of life to the Iraqi people. There are also those of us who think that our troops could be better used tracking down the terrorists responsible for the threats to our own shores, and guess what, those terrorists are allies of Bin Laden and US intelligence tells us theyre not in Iraq (but then again, neither were the WMDs).

There has to be some other voice that can loudly proclaim that there are more options than bravery and cowardice. Shout it to the masses, so they can see through this smoke screen.

Currently listening:
By Wolfmother
Release date: 02 May, 2006

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

MonkeyHouse Radio reports: The Lieberman/Bush Administration Propaganda Machine

Im really starting to dislike this pattern that is occurring. Lieberman is receiving back-up support directly from the Bush administration. Lamont is continuing to be pounded like an Asian whore from all sides. Lieberman has consulted with Karl "Antichrist" Rove about his independent run, and now has the help of the Cheney shiny bald propaganda machine, and Joe Schmoe is just falling into goosestep line with the Bush Administration. The latest? If Lamont wins the election in November, it will show the terrorists that tried to bring down the international flights last week that we are weak on terror. The exact quote was, "And Ned Lamont winning is a tremendous victory by the people who wanted to blow up these planes in England!"


It is even being reported that the White House asked the British government to apprehend the terror suspects quickly so as to use their Lamont smears that much more rapidly. Now, I dont know if I really buy that, but this administration is capable of secrecy and shadiness for much less important causes, so why not.

CNN anchor Chuck Roberts has even gone so far to say that Ned Lamont is the "Al Qaeda candidate." My friends at have drafted a letter to CNN asking for Roberts to be disciplined for such an unfounded and obviously false and malicious accusation. You can view that here:
At this point, it is obvious to me that this simple primary victory has the Republican base so incredibly spooked that this will become a trend in the November elections that they will do ANYTHING to ensure that Lieberman wins his Independent bid and that they will bury Lamont under as much useless shit as they can find.

Currently listening:
Tonight Not Again/Live at Eagles Ballroom (CD & DVD)
By Jason Mraz
Release date: 24 August, 2004

Monday, August 14, 2006

Weekend Antics

So I decided to go to illustrious and beautiful downtown Hartford this weekend to celebrate my friend and bandmate, Steve's birthday.  We chose the Pig's Eye Pub, not because it is the best bar, or has the cheapest drinks, but because it has no cover and pool tables.  It was a pretty uneventful night, just drinking, playing pool and drinking some more.  We did a couple group shots of tequila and Southern Comfort, drank some more and just had a good time, and then came about 12:30, when we heard that Steve had gotten tossed out of the bar.  For some people that wouldn't be all that shocking, but this is Steve.  You could punch this kid in the face and he'd say thanks...he's just a mild-mannered nice guy.  I guess it turns out that he had been standing at the bar trying to get a drink for like 20 minutes and finally got the attention of one of the bartenders, put down his money and tried to order a drink.  when the guy ignored him, he picked the 10 bucks back up and tried to put it back in his pocket.  At this point, the moronic bartender accused him of stealing his tip...wait let me get this straight, steve was going to leave a ten dollar tip for a beer he couldn't get?  I don't think so.  Well the bartender got the bouncer to toss him anyway, and I guess they have the last word, so out he went, which was stupid.  We had a group of at least 20 people who had been buying drinks, alot of them, all night and we all bailed when Steve got tossed.


Currently listening:
U2 - The Best of 1990-2000
By U2
Release date: 12 November, 2002

Friday, August 11, 2006

The Monkeyhouse Editorial Minute

My wife sent this to me, and I found it well written and intriguing.  I think you'll find it thought provoking, and hope it will stimulate a discussion...without further ado, our MonkeyHouse Editorial Minute 

 Written in response to a series of letters to the editor in the
County Register, which, of course, was not printed. So, I decided to "print" it myself by sending it out on the Internet. Pass it along if you feel so inclined.

 Dear Editor:
 So many letter writers have based their arguments on how this
 land is made up of immigrants. Ernie Lujan for one, suggests he should tear down the Statute of Liberty because the people now in question aren't being treated the same as those who passed through Ellis Island and other ports of entry.

 Maybe we should turn to our history books and point out to people like Mr. Lujan why today's American is not willing to accept this new kind of  immigrant any longer.

 Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to the United States, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in New York and be documented. Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times.
 They made learning English a primary rule in their new American households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home.
 They had waved good bye to their birth place to give their children a new life and did everything in their power to help their children  assimilate into one culture. Nothing was handed to them. No free lunches, no welfare, no labor laws to protect them.
 All they had were the skills and craftsmanship they had brought with them to trade for a future of prosperity. Most of their children came of age when World War II broke out. My father fought along side men whose parents  had come straight over from Germany, Italy, France and Japan. None of  these 1st generation Americans ever gave any thought about what country their  parents had come from.  They were Americans fighting Hitler, Mussolini and the Emperor of Japan. They were defending the United States of America as one people. When we liberated France, no one in those villages were looking for the French-American or the German-American or the Irish-American. The people of France saw only Americans.

 And we carried one flag that represented one country. Not one of those immigrant sons would have thought about picking up another country's flag and waving it to represent who they were. It would have been a  disgrace to their parents who had sacrificed so much to be here. These immigrants truly knew what it meant to be an American. They stirred the melting pot into one red, white and blue bowl.
 And here we are in 2006 with a new kind of immigrant who wants the same  rights and privileges. Only they want to achieve it by playing with a different set of rules, one that includes the entitlement card and a guarantee of being faithful to their mother country. I'm sorry, that's not what being  an American is all about. I believe that the immigrants who landed on Ellis Island in the early 1900's deserve better than that for all the toil, hard work and sacrifice  in raising future generations to create a land that has become a beacon for those legally searching for a better life.
 I think they would be appalled that they are being used as an example by those waving foreign country flags.
 And for that suggestion about taking down the Statute of Liberty, it happens to mean a lot to the citizens who are voting on the immigration bill. I  wouldn't start talking about dismantling the United States just yet.

Rosemary LaBonte

Currently reading:
His Dark Materials Trilogy: The Golden Compass / The Subtle Knife / The Amber Spyglass
By Phillip Pullman
Release date: 01 October, 2001

Thursday, August 10, 2006

MonkeyHouse's Lieberman Report

Can I go one day without dishing on our favorite fallen CT Republicrat, Joe Lieberman?  Probably, and I will eventually run out of info to do a daily report, but until I do, he gets his very own MonkeyHouse feature.

As predicted, Senate Democrats from around the country are jumping off the Lieberman train and flocking to support the new CT nominee, Ned Lamont.  The likes of Hilary Rodham Clinton and Christopher Dodd have stepped up and thrown their support behind Lamont, with many other Democrats joining in a little support chorus.  Both Clinton and Dodd, who supported Lieberman and campaigned for him prior to the primary, have unfortunately stopped short of calling for Lieberman to withdraw and do the right thing, i.e. supporting the winner of the primary. 

Lieberman is acting like the spoiled child who refuses to stop crying even after mom has (1) told him he can't have the toy, (2) checked out at the supermarket, (3) brought the groceries out to the car, and (4) driven away.  All the while, little crybaby Joe is sitting in the backseat of the minivan shrieking his little heart out that he wants Jazzercize Barbie.  Mom knows better...knows that it will make him stronger in the end.  She also knows that his good friend Georgy Bush doesn't like fairies, and of course, only fairies and girls play with dolls. 

Wait...where was I?  Huh?  A point, you say?  Oh....

Lieberman should withdraw, and not give Republican Schlessinger a chance to win when the Democratic vote gets split.  You lost, Joe...just let the better man go forward.  This isn't double elimination!

Currently listening:
By Cartel
Release date: 20 September, 2005

Bush Says US still at risk for attack

what What WHAT?

Thanks, Captain Obvious.  With the thwarted terror threat on transatlantic flights from England to the US, is there any doubt that there is still a risk?  Check it out here:

He says that we're at war with Islamic fascists.  I don't know...maybe that's true, but I don't whether it's necessary to throw the religion in there.  Yes, they are Muslim, but I don't think it's smart to even kind of proclaim it as any sort of holy war.

Stay tuned for today's Lieberman report...

Currently listening:
Beautiful World
By Big Head Todd & the Monsters
Release date: 11 February, 1997

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

To anyone who may disagree with me...

Lieberman has lost the Democratic nomination...yes, I know that this is my 2nd post about him today, but I decided to preempt any rebuttals that might arise about my dislike of our fallen CT senator.

Click here to find out one of the reasons that I harbor such disdain for this once great Democrat. For anyone too busy or lazy to actually click the link, I'll summarize. (Begin paraphrase)Anyone who votes for my opposition has forgotten about 9/11 and doesn't care about our country(End Paraphrase)
I've said before that I hate people using a tragedy such as 9/11 as a campaign stump subject. I hate it even more when 9/11 gets used out of context to justify a war that has stolen thousands of military lives and billions of tax dollars. A war that HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11!!! There is NO proof, and there never was any. I can't believe that politicians are still throwing that out there as probable cause for a war with Iraq.
Are there terrorists in Iraq today?  Yes...but they're there because we've been occupying the country for a couple years now.  They are helping the insurgency to keep its foothold in the country.  Al Qaeda wasn't a presence in Iraq until we invaded!!!

Lieberman, I will say it the right thing and endorse the democratic nominee and then go join some board of directors somewhere or, heaven forbid, become a lobbyist or something!

Currently listening:
By Sister Hazel
Release date: 27 June, 2000

I backed the right candidate

After several elections ending in disappointment, I am proud to say that WTFU Radio has backed the right candidate in yesterday's primary.  Ned Lamont, a cable television mogul, faced off against Joe Lieberman, a 3-term incumbent Republicrat and one-time vice presidential candidate, and beat him heads-up for the Democratic nomination.  It had been speculated for weeks that it was possible that Lamont could win, but based on the last minute polls, Lamont's lead had shrunk and, to be honest, I wasn't sure he was going to pull it off.  When the dust had cleared from yesterday's voting, however, Lamont was the clear victor.  I watched his victory speech, listening as he thanked supporters, and then put out a call for party unity.  Minutes before, Lieberman had given his concession speech, vowing to fight on and run as an independent.

Ok, I understand that he wants his seat back, but this infuriates me.  This position is a representative of the people of CT.  The people who support the democratic party, the very people who have elected him to his previous three terms, voted for someone else to represent them in the Senate.  Shouldn't that be a clue that he should simply pack it in?  One thing we don't need now is the splintering of the democratic party.  We want to take back Congress come November, and fighting within the party over the seat won't help to accomplish this.  If Lieberman truly cared about his constituents as he claims, he would abandon the Independent candidacy bid and throw his support behind the candidate that his party chose. 

Congratulations to Ned Lamont for a stunning and unexpected victory, and here's hoping you win in November!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Primary elections are important!!

Unless you've been living under a rock, or in Newark, you've probably heard at least some of the national buzz that the Democratic primary is causing for the race here in CT.  Joseph Lieberman, 3 term Senator, and one-time vice presidential candidate is running for reelection, but is currently in jeopardy of losing his party's nomination to private businessman Ned Lamont, who is spanking him in the polls.  It has people who know nothing asking why. 

People who know something, however, realize that Lamont is kicking Lieberman's ass in the straw polls because Lamont embodies something that Lieberman is lacking...democratic ideals.  Based on his voting record, his support for the war and his shows of cronyism with president Bush, his base is moving away from him, as he shows more and more that he is a Republicrat.

Lieberman, due to his clout in the senate, decided that, if he lost the primary, he would hedge his bets and register to run as an independent, hoping to still garner the popular vote when November elections roll around.  Now, with the primary elections tomorrow, recent polls have shown that Lamont has opened up a double-digit lead over the incumbent.  While heavy hitters like Clinton and fellow CT senator Chris Dodd have thrown their support behind Lieberman, he still seems to be sliding in the polls, so his surety that running as an independent would still win him the seat is fading.  When he calculated the information to consider running as an independent, he based it on the figures at the time, which projected that Lamont could potentially edge him out by a relatively slim margin.  It is anyone's guess as to what will actually happen when voters turn out tomorrow for the actual vote, but here's hoping that the King of CT is overthrown.

In similar news, I have to wonder why it was that Clinton threw his support behind Lieberman.  I know he's the incumbent, and he ran with Gore in 2000, but Lieberman was also one of the loudest voices condemning Clinton during the impeachment scandal.  He was extremely vocal ON the floor of congress, and if I can find a transcript of it, I will post it later. 


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Body Wars

If you went to Disney World in the 80s, you probably remember the ride Body Wars at Epcot Center. I just remember it being creepy and gross. That is not what this is about.

A new type of body war has begun, and it is attacking the model syndicate. It has chosen to attack Heidi Klum

and Elle MacPherson,

two of the hottest models to grace the 20th and 21st century. If you've missed it, Heidi Klum has a new campaign with Victoria's Secret for a new line of bras called Body by Victoria, and in the commercial, she says that when she got into modeling, she was given the nickname "the body." This apparently pissed off Elle MacPherson because, as far as she's concerned, she was given that nickname a decade earlier when she started modeling, and has decided that she is attached to the moniker enough to have her representative make a press release threatening to possibly sue.

I have a should both come together and wrestle for the title, preferably in jello or mud, just like WWE divas vying for a title. Then the winner will face off against Jessie "The Body" Ventura for the ULTIMATE title. Of course, Jessie won't fight a girl, I think...

Currently listening:
By Moist
Release date: 03 June, 1997

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Another History Lesson...

Gotta love this History textbook that my wife is reading for her history class...

Did you know that God wasn't a part of the Pledge of Allegiance or US currency until the fifties?  In the same ruling, "Under God" was added to the Pledge and "In God We Trust" to the money.  Is it because we became a more religious country as a whole?  The division of the country around the Scopes Monkey trial at around this time tells me that we weren't.  No, it was a move to improve the image of the US to make us seem more morally superior to the world.  We needed to be superior to the Communists...we needed people to like us and value us more, so Communism would not spread further.

I don't really find myself on either side of the argument about under God in the pledge.  While I understand the rights of our citizens to be fully agnostic, it is clear that, with the way things are going right now, it would be nice to believe that we have God on our side, even if it's not true.  The world is going to hell in a handbasket and I feel like our country is operating the pulleys these days. 

Currently listening:
Healthy In Paranoid Times
By Our Lady Peace
Release date: 30 August, 2005