In a speech earlier today, our fearless(except for his fear of a wrathful God) leader, invoked the almighty as being on our side. Being that I'm a Christian, you'd think that would at least be partially ok with me. I'd love to think that God is with us in our daily struggles as a country, but I don't think that is the case. I think that God is probably sick of us doing things in his name by this point. Is it wrong that I don't blame him...our melting pot society has been dismantled and molten down, so we can make bullets to kill more people who don't agree with us and our God. I'm sorry, George, but (1), I didn't vote for you in the first place, and (2), I CERTAINLY didn't ask you to invoke your god on my behalf. No wonder Muslims want to kill us.
Rude Pundit made a good point this morning about Bush's reference to those who oppose us in the Middle East as "Islamic Fascists." See they are trying to draw a parallel to WWII when fascism threatened to engulf Europe. They want to gain support by reminding us of the menace of Benito Mussolini, and his ensuing attempt at converting Europe and northern Africa. We're the ones going over there and forcing our Democratic ideals on Iraq.
These days, I can scarcely get through a blog without at least a passing mention to Ann Coulter, the acerbic, vitriolic loon who seems to always get some host to invite her on and then proceeds to ram it up the host's ass while she's there, all the while getting lobbed softball questions that don't address any real issues or the hateful things she says. Her latest column states that we shot the wrong Lincoln. She's referring to Lincoln Chaffee, the RI congressman, to whom the Bush administration is throwing support, much in the same fashion as they are throwing it to Joe Lieberman, while completely ignoring a non-viable Republican candidate, who, in both cases, has no chance in hell of winning. Great, so now she's advocating killing off Congressmen just to get the seats vacated for nutjobs who will spew her insane rhetoric. Let me just say that Henry VIII beheaded the wrong Ann.
And while I'm at it, Ann, stop referring to all Iraqi -- hell all middle eastern people who have died in this military disaster we call our war on terrorism - as terrorists. That's like saying all thin blondes with huge noses are tremendous(please pardon me for this, ladies) cunty bitches who are full of shit. You need some sensitivity and discrimination training Ann.
Rude Pundit made a good point this morning about Bush's reference to those who oppose us in the Middle East as "Islamic Fascists." See they are trying to draw a parallel to WWII when fascism threatened to engulf Europe. They want to gain support by reminding us of the menace of Benito Mussolini, and his ensuing attempt at converting Europe and northern Africa. We're the ones going over there and forcing our Democratic ideals on Iraq.
These days, I can scarcely get through a blog without at least a passing mention to Ann Coulter, the acerbic, vitriolic loon who seems to always get some host to invite her on and then proceeds to ram it up the host's ass while she's there, all the while getting lobbed softball questions that don't address any real issues or the hateful things she says. Her latest column states that we shot the wrong Lincoln. She's referring to Lincoln Chaffee, the RI congressman, to whom the Bush administration is throwing support, much in the same fashion as they are throwing it to Joe Lieberman, while completely ignoring a non-viable Republican candidate, who, in both cases, has no chance in hell of winning. Great, so now she's advocating killing off Congressmen just to get the seats vacated for nutjobs who will spew her insane rhetoric. Let me just say that Henry VIII beheaded the wrong Ann.
And while I'm at it, Ann, stop referring to all Iraqi -- hell all middle eastern people who have died in this military disaster we call our war on terrorism - as terrorists. That's like saying all thin blondes with huge noses are tremendous(please pardon me for this, ladies) cunty bitches who are full of shit. You need some sensitivity and discrimination training Ann.
![]() | Currently listening: Dishwalla By Dishwalla Release date: 15 March, 2005 |