Tuesday, August 15, 2006

MonkeyHouse Radio reports: The Lieberman/Bush Administration Propaganda Machine

Im really starting to dislike this pattern that is occurring. Lieberman is receiving back-up support directly from the Bush administration. Lamont is continuing to be pounded like an Asian whore from all sides. Lieberman has consulted with Karl "Antichrist" Rove about his independent run, and now has the help of the Cheney shiny bald propaganda machine, and Joe Schmoe is just falling into goosestep line with the Bush Administration. The latest? If Lamont wins the election in November, it will show the terrorists that tried to bring down the international flights last week that we are weak on terror. The exact quote was, "And Ned Lamont winning is a tremendous victory by the people who wanted to blow up these planes in England!"


It is even being reported that the White House asked the British government to apprehend the terror suspects quickly so as to use their Lamont smears that much more rapidly. Now, I dont know if I really buy that, but this administration is capable of secrecy and shadiness for much less important causes, so why not.

CNN anchor Chuck Roberts has even gone so far to say that Ned Lamont is the "Al Qaeda candidate." My friends at Mediamatters.org have drafted a letter to CNN asking for Roberts to be disciplined for such an unfounded and obviously false and malicious accusation. You can view that here: http://mediamatters.org/items/200608140003
At this point, it is obvious to me that this simple primary victory has the Republican base so incredibly spooked that this will become a trend in the November elections that they will do ANYTHING to ensure that Lieberman wins his Independent bid and that they will bury Lamont under as much useless shit as they can find.

Currently listening:
Tonight Not Again/Live at Eagles Ballroom (CD & DVD)
By Jason Mraz
Release date: 24 August, 2004

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